Tuesday, June 27, 2006

what is wrong with people?

this is how you know the world is fucked:

..."Oh no I don't watch television anymore--it will make you stupid so I simply do not watch it at all. Well, I do watch the Simple Life. It's really good..."

this was spoken by a woman behind me in line at the supermarket to a friend in part of a conversation lamenting the decline of intelligence in America. I guess she didn't stop watching TV soon enough.

Saturday, June 3, 2006


While at work for the soulless retailer, I noticed we were selling packages of flash cards that contain state trivia. Funny thing though, there are only 36 cards. I didn't have a chance to look inside, but I can't help but wonder why they didn't include 1 card for each state. Is it possible that there are 14 states that are simply not interesting enough to be worth one factoid printed on a card?

The other thing I wonder about regards the lear jet that crashed that happened to be registered to Pat Robertson. Should someone start taking bets on how long it will him to blame gays and atheists for the tragedy? I'm putting 20 bucks on a week to the day.