Tuesday, November 28, 2006

rip dave cockrum

CNN.com reports that comic book illustrator Dave Cockrum passed away at the age of 63 while wearing his Superman pajamas and covered with his Batman blanket. Friends say he will be cremated while wearing a Green Lantern shirt. No joke here, just a moment of silence for a legend.

shameless self promotion

I'm horrible at promoting myself but if you're out there and haven't heard it yet, feel free to check out my take on some music from The Fountain. Clint Mansell wrote an amazing score for the film and it was most excellent to get a chance to work with his source material. It looks as though my own effort will probably get slammed for being too reverential to the source material but I am more than happy with the result I got, linking one Mansell theme to another (from another film no less) in my own subtle way. I approached the endeavor with a "less is more" attitude, take it or leave it. Remixing really isn't my thing though, I prefer to work with my own ideas, no matter how bad they might be.

Monday, November 20, 2006

wish I had a time machine

I would go back in time and stop me from buying and later ingesting the burrito I purchased at 7-11 which calls itself "the bomb."

Sunday, November 5, 2006

where is the pulse again?

The good news is that S-Mart--the soulless retailer that employs my sorry ass--is hiring. Why is this good news? Because someone at 20th Century Fox is going to need a job. Maybe a lot of people.

In one of the most spectacular miscalculations in recent history Fox reduced the amount of screens that Borat would open up on. They cut it down to a mere 800 screens... you could almost call that a limited release these days. The reason they cut the number of screens to feature the critically acclaimed comedy was they felt people would rather see something else, or perhaps anything else.


Borat pulled in 9 million duckie (half of its production budget right there) in one day on those 800 screens. That's pretty good for a film that no one wants to see, unlike the Santa Clause 3 which made just 5 million on four times as many screens.

Like I said: Oops

-after the original post-

Early estimates for the weekend have Borat #1 at the US boxoffice outpacing the family friendly double punch consisting of Tim Allen in a fat suit and the CG offering from Ardaman with 26 Million, and a worldwide take of 44 million dollars in 3 days. Having just seen the film, I can only say that it was even better than I was expecting and I expected it to be really good.

Thursday, November 2, 2006

will someone please make some news?

CNN.com reports that "Joey Buttafuoco is getting a little break."

I must admit I have dreams of hearing the words "Joey Buttafuoco" and "break" in the same sentence, but that's not exactly what I had in mind.