I was poking around the blog-o-shpere today looking for people to make fun of. Instead I was reminded of something people do that aggravates me. I am really tired of seeing DH anywhere on the internet. Chats, blogs, bulletin boards… I don't care where, I am to the point where every time I read it I want to poke the person who typed those two little letters in the eyeball.
For the unwashed, DH means dear Husband. You know what I think? If he was really that dear, you would take the time to type the damn words! Would it kill you? Even I manage to type efficiently enough that adding an additional nine letters and one space doesn't significantly set back my day.
GEEZ! And I would like to thank the Purple Puzzler, whose blog included this gem:
"...if DH hadn't been home, since the baby didn't sleep very well. DH was really tired after his trip, so he... Now it's quiet time and DH came home from work to put them down for their naps..."
DH way too many times on the page. Once in back to back sentences even! Is it really that hard to use the damn thesaurus? In my case its just a right-click away, but I suppose it may not be that simple for everyone. Microsoft Word hasn't really caught on yet... has it?
The use of such web-breviations as DH is annoying and stupid. As far as I'm concerned, using it (and other similar abbreviations) is a sign that a person is not only too lazy to type few letters, but also too lazy to think up something interesting, thoughtful, or just DIFFERENT to say.
Why would I want to always refer to someone that close to me in some obligatory way over and over? I realize people prefer DH to using names, but if we had half a brain and truly considered a person a DH then couldn't we possibly take .127 seconds to let our brain try to come up with a variation on the theme? Show your "dear" husband you really care. It’s cheaper than steak, and it sure beats having to sit through Monday Night Football without commenting on big muscular guys in really tight pants.
Sometimes it is the little things.
I don't really mean to single out this Purple Puzzler, because she is only one of maybe a meellion people who do that... wow, its kind of staggering to think that there are that many people who annoy the shit out of me.
On another side of this coin... To me, the letters DH mean Designated Hitter. Someone who hits in the place of the pitcher (in baseball) but doesn't play a defensive position. When I relate that to the context in which I usually read the letters DH on the internet, I think of that person as not being the Dear Husband of the writer, but instead some guy who comes in from time to time to "hit the ball hard," "drive in a few runs," and with any luck "get as many bases as he can." (nudge, nudge, wink, wink, say no more!) That line of thinking is a product of my own warped and twisted mind... who besides myself would read what is meant to be an innocent term of endearment and think instead of something so seedy and illicit?
When reduced to two letters, whatever "Dear Husband" actually means runs the risk of becoming flat or even lost. I personally think those are words that shouldn't lose their meaning. It’s like a person who says "sorry" eight hundred and fifty-two times a day. After a while it becomes less of an apology and more of a reason to avoid an idiot. This is a trend I find a little disquieting.
Another trend that mildly disturbs me is the thought that I may very well championing the English Language here... GAG.. May family would be SOOOOOOooooo proud.
a brief note - I was going to make fun of a blog by a guy named Eric, but I saw his header which read "Mostly news with a focus on copyright law and intellectual property issues, plus whatever else I feel like throwing in" and realized that I couldn't ever do any better than that... unless he wrote "plus whatever else I find interesting."