Friday, January 27, 2006

apology and blog entry

I have gotten several messages concerning my last entry which was deleted only minutes after being posted. Anyone on the mailing list received a notice of a new entry but by the time many actually looked at my page, the entry had already been removed.

My friend Yates asked me what was up. My brother wanted me to "fess up" and admit what I had done. Yale President Richard Levin wanted to know when I was going to go ahead and delete the rest of my blog... for the good of humanity.

All I can say is that I changed my mind. If you don't like it, contact me so I can tell you to go fuck yourself. Or, simply assume that's what I will tell you and don't bother contacting me.

It's gone. It will never be back. If you didn't see it, you didn't miss anything good. I haven't done much blogging over the past few months simply because I haven't felt like it. I do jump the gun sometimes (especially under the pressure of feeling I have to update) and start something that I later decide sucks. So thats it. It's bad enough you are reading this shit.

But in other news, I was talking to Yates about movies tonight and I was trying to explain why I hated Paul WS Anderson so much (not PTA like I was thinking for some reason). I hate him because he is looking to mess with one of the great cult hits of all time. He is developing a re-imagining" of Deathrace 2000. Please don't fuck with a classic. Get your own ideas and make those into movies. If they are shitty movies I won't say a fucking word since I know you would at least be trying.

Here's what I said about this last year when it was announced:

"The original was so much about decimating pedestrians that the actual race was almost irrelevant, and I want to restore that. Set in 2020, ours is an ultraviolent, no-holds-barred race with heavily armed Escalades, Ferraris and Aston Martins" said Anderson.

Restore what to what?! Are you kidding me?! This quote is proof that Paul Anderson is a simple-minded fool who has apparently missed the point of such a sophistcated film as the original (and yes, that was the sound of your sarcasmatron overloading). If you want to remake a movie by changing what is essentially the SOUL of a film, then DON'T CALL IT A REMAKE! It's like remaking The Godfather without all that arcane mobster crap. I mean, who gets that shit anyway? Or maybe make Platoon 2005 and leave out all that depressing "war is hell" stuff. It's such a downer.

All this guy wants to do is make a movie in the vein of The Road Warrior but not get sued by the people who hold the rights to that series and those people simply have enough sense to not let him near their product.

So lets get rid of Paul WS Anderson. Oh yeah, and while we're at it, can you tell Bret Rattner to not make anymore movies. ESPECIALLY Jackie Chan movies. Rush Hour had its moments, but he chopped up all the fight scenes Chan was in. One of the cool things about Jacki Chan movies is his ability to choreograph (along with his stunt team) these amazing fight sequences. If you've seen any of his Hong Kong movies, you know exactly what I'm talking about. In a scene like that, you don't need any fancy camera work, or rapid fire editing. You turn on the camera, point it in Jackie's direction, and then you let him do the rest.

And please don't tell me that X3 is going to compare with the first two X-men movies. Bryan Singer is a genius. No way Mr. Rattner can follow that up.

What? He followed Ridley Scott once and did okay? First of all, Ridely has his moments, but he's not a genious. Maybe he was once or twice, but most of the time he's just really, really, really good.

Friday, January 13, 2006

something to look forward to

One of my favorite movies from the 80's has got to be The Untouchables, which chronicles the war Elliot Ness waged upon Al Capone and organized crime in Chicago during the prohibition era. A lot of people know about that part of his life which may very well be that there is a large fascination with all things mob related in this country. The cynical voice inside my head also wonders if the main reason people know this story is that it was made into a film with Robert Deniro.

Fewer people seem to know that Elliot Ness later moved to Cleveland where he locked horns with a brutal serial killer who managed to leave a blemish on the career of Mr. Ness and was largely responsible for his failed bid to become Cleveland's mayor, not to mention killing a bunch of people and chopping off their limbs and heads.

He was called the Mad Butcher of Kingsbury Run. I don't know about you, but I think thats a way better name than Hannibal Lecter. And while we're on the subject, how come we don't have any cool names for criminals these days? What I wouldn't give to hear a news story of some unknown pedestrian that had been crossing the street wherever he felt like with no regard for his own safety. He could be called the Phantom Jaywalker...

But I digress.

It seems David Fincher will be making a movie about this very story in the near future, a film that will be based o the graphic novel Torso. If there is anyone who could make a great moody period piece it would be David Fincher (Fight Club, The Game, Alien 3, Panic Room), who although seems to be flooded with brilliance, occasionally misses the mark. But he's the kind of director who is certainly worth the gamble. This guy is so good at creepy. I wait with as much patience as I can manage.

But if he doesn't make this movie, I will.

Friday, January 6, 2006

important news update

way back in June I mentioned that I was never given a magnetic name tag at work. It had been ordered years ago and had yet to "arrive."

Three years after ordering my tag, it finally showed up. It finally fuckin showed up, I don't even care if it has too many f's on it. Its great. To whoever finally ordered it I say thanks. Now if that was the only thing at work that was putting holes in my shirts I'd be set.

Since this was such a slow day/month/last few months, I thought I would look through my archives to find something interesting in my unpublished entries.

I learned something today - there's a very good reason those entries were never published.