Thursday, March 30, 2006

bye bye

Reuters is reporting that the Sony Playstation proprietary format for watching movies may be going the way of the dodo.

This makes me so mad! I want to pay as much for a tiny little disc as I would a normal DVD--a tiny disc with absolutely no special features that plays on a screen so small it make those portable DVD players look like the lumbering sherman tanks that they are.

Is there a better way to spend my money?

Friday, March 24, 2006

best attraction in the west my ass

Talk about getting a little too full of yourself...

Hogle Zoo and This is the Place Monument will be joining forces to become one mega super attraction. Ellis Ivory, a spokesman for the project claims it could become "... one of the greatest attractions in the west."

That is a bold statement to say the least, considering that right now on the official List of Great Attractions in the West, they rank 457, and 458 (respectively) out of 500, right after the American Museum of Root Canals but before my cousin Franks hot tub... and that’s not saying much considering Franks hot tub has green water, and not from the chemicals he puts in it either.

As a life long resident (very nearly anyway) of this homey yet sometimes backward state, I have to admit that I have a very hard time imagining a joint venture between these parks at all, let alone the result being one of the greatest attractions in the west. To be sure, something HAS to be done for the animals at Hogle Zoo. The last time I visited, I was shocked at how underwhelming the habitats were and how listless many of the animals appeared.

On the other side of this bizarre little coin is the Mormon history site... I understand the church (in Utah that’s the LDS church) is downplaying the polygamy part of their history, which is too bad since the many wives of Brigham Young play quite heavily in the monuments history. Is adding a zoo and a miniature railroad really going to bring it to a level of the greatest attractions in the west? And by that I of course mean the happiest place on earth... Olympic Gardens (say hooray for boobies!)

I can see it now... an Ameican religious history tour with monkeys and penguins. You'll be able to get those little wax lions from a machine that sits next to the booth that sells a Brigham Young giant foam finger...

I feel like a line is being crossed here but I'm not sure where it is exactly, but do know that if they build a rollercoaster called "Brigham’s First Twenty Wives," well... a guy can dream can't he?

Then again, maybe I am overreacting here. Perhaps Mr. Ellis only meant that this would be one of the greatest attractions in the west[ern portion of Salt Lake City 's east side]. God knows I've misread the news before.

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Best TV on... television

John Stewart and Stephen Colbert are simply the funniest people on television today. I've been a fan of the Daily Show for years and recently have felt that the "This Week in God" segment with Colbert (before he went on to do his own half hour of brilliant comedy) was one of the funniest bits on TV period, but I never imagined that Mr. Colbert could carry a show on his own.

I'm pleased to be wrong. I wish those shows were all that were on TV. With the miracle of TiVo, I can almost make that happen.

They are the funniest guys around… without a doubt. If you don't agree with me, just e-mail me your address and I'll come and punch you in the face.

Actually... I don't really like to leave the house so why don't you drop on by. You can find me at - 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, Washington, DC 20500.

Just tell my people at the front door that you're there to knock the man of the house in the teeth, they'll make sure you leave my humble abode more than satisfied.

Oh yeah, and if you’re ever in New York , my real name is Ed Koch. Look me up!

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

go away already

I would like to inform every major news source (and this includes whatever network is covering the NBA at the moment) that…

I GET IT!!!!!!!!!!!

Yes, Eva Longoria and Tony Parker are married. I don't care about either of them and I never will. I just don't give a shit.

If you happen to be flipping past a channel where the Spurs are playing, there is a 95 percent chance that you will hear someone mention how Tony Parker is married to Eva Longoria. YES I HEARD/READ ALREADY! And I didn’t even give a rat’s ass the first time. I couldn't give a shit about what they do in their personal lives.

Both of you please just go the fuck away.

Friday, March 17, 2006

Don't Go To Kanab

Kanab, Utah is in the news after passing a resolution upholding marriage between a man and a woman.

According to the mayor of Kanab, its the sort of thing that promotes children, and values, and young women who will grow up to be homemakers.

One way we know that Kanab is on the cutting edge here is that they are the only city on the planet to adopt this particular resolution that was drafted--oddly enough--by a conservative and homophobic think tank.

In reality, the reason this tiny little city is in the news is that Arthur Frommer--nationally syndicated columnists and travel guru--called for a boycott of the town, faulting the resolution as simple minded and bigoted.

Although I agree with Mr. Frommer's stance, I am concerned about one thing...

He said that "[Kanab] really ought to wake up and join the modern world." This makes me wonder if this guy has even visited Utah, let alone a tiny one horse town like Kanab. Joining the modern world is something that would be a challenge for any place in this state, let alone a speck like Kanab. When my brother calls me from France its not just an 8 hour time difference, it's as if he is calling from the future from some advanced and far off wonderful civilization. I mean, this is the only state in the Union where you can actually be ticketed for driving too many times down a certain street during certain hours of the day. Not to mention the fact that if you get pulled over and you don't have a Whitesnake disc in your CD player the fine is doubled...

Join the modern world? I'd be happy if this place could advance past 1985.