Tuesday, February 28, 2006

hard hitting journalism

These are the top stories ripped from the headlines of three local papers that hit the stands this morning. Two are Salt Lake papers and the other is from right here in Springville. Can you guess which one?

  • Bill on Evolution Proves Unfit to Survive
  • Hunstman tackles Immigration
  • Printing digital photos as simple as logging onto Internet

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

a phrase I do not like

Any time I hear the phrase "religious violence" I wonder that maybe religion is not doing its job very well.

And yes, I will get off my high horse the moment I read on CNN.com that a bunch of crazed secular humanists do something horrible. And no, CNN is not paying me to mention them here. They only pay people who have blogs that are read by more than 2 people.

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Oh yeah (true story--I swear)

You know you're in a classy place when you hear a woman shout with delight:


Monday, February 13, 2006


My best friend said he can't really get into the Olympics considering we are at war--which kind of goes against everything the Olympics are about. He makes a valid point.

Luckily, I was able to remind him that we are at war with terror, and terror does not have an Olympic team.

I hope that helps.

Saturday, February 11, 2006

oh give me a break already!

I just saw the state farm auto insurance commercial where--based on a true story--a state farm agent rushes proof of insurance to a woman who has been pulled over by a policeman, but has no proof of insurance.

The agent says "I didn't want her to get arrested," is the reason he rushed to scene of the heinous crime.


You're not going to get arrested for no proof of insurance. That is a total load of crap. At worst you'll get a ticket and a fine but you won't do "the time" for that.

Stupid commercials...

Update! - I have since noticed they have changed this commercial to the agent saying "I didnt' want her to go to trial." Thats decent of you, but I know a whole lot of people that saw the commercial the other way. Maybe I should lay off the Southern Comfort for a while...

Friday, February 10, 2006


CNN.com are really pushing my buttons today.

Forget for a moment that they are a bunch of pansies that won't report any real news (but stop everything to report breaking news that turns out to be non-news). Forget for a moment that here is an entire network that could do something, ANYTHING by just asking a few hard hitting questions and exposing the posers on the hill. Forget for a moment that the best "investigative Journalism" you will find today is not at CNN but in the Weekly World News...

Forget all that.

These assholes are going after Han fucking Solo now? BASTARDS!

Okay... now that I've had some oxygen I can get to the point. On the CNN main page today under the "Entertainment" there are links to two Harrison Ford related articles. The first is one about how he used to be a carpenter and how his reputation as a hard working perfectionist craftsman has translated into the work he does as an actor. Then it goes on to describe and praise all the work and care he put into his latest film Firewall, and how concerned he is about making a good "product."

The other link is to a review of his latest film Firewall, which pretty much tears the movie to shreds calling it a steaming pile of crap--just not in those words.

Thats fine, they are welcome to love or hate his movies as they see fit... God knows Mr. Ford has been in some pretty awful movies lately. But with the tone of the first article, the review seems to only exist to make him look like a fool.

SHAME ON YOU CNN! Haha, you guys are so clever. Lets write a story about how much time Harrison Ford spent making this a movie he could be proud of and then we'll tell everyone the film sucks! Won't he look like such an ass?!

News Flash for CNN:

If I want to see Harrison Ford looking stupid I'll rent Six Days Seven Nights.

or Sabrina

or Random Hearts

or Hollywood Homicide

or I'll just have some tequila and giggle at his accent in K-19... okay I don't need any booze to laugh at his accent in that movie...

But how dare you CNN. You... Bastards!