Thursday, March 31, 2005

when is enough enough?

Producers are hoping to release yet another prequel to Silence of the Lambs next year. Behind the Mask will follow Dr. Lecter as a young lad, depicting his descent into the monster that is is today... did I say monster? Cash cow would be more appropriate.

Follow the money - The first film made 130 meellion. I personally think that was a good movie so I have no problem with that. Hannibal nabbed 165 meellion at the box office. This also happens to be the highest grossing non-Harry Potter "H" film of all time. Red Dragon (the first prequel) made 93 meellion.

Let us not forget that way back in 1986 Lecter made his silver screen debut (played by the great Brian Cox) in little movie directed by Michael Mann. It was called Manhunter and was based on the Red Dragon book by Thomas Harris and it banked less than 10 meellion at theaters, but it happens to be a better movie than anything Bret Ratner will ever make, even if he manages to channel Bergman at some point.

Back to my point, this strikes me a some serious overkill. Too much Hannibal Lecter. This will be the third film released in five years and fifth overall. Hannibal and Red Dragon were not that good. I don't care how they did at the box office, they were lame, lame, lame! Bret Ratner?! ARE YOU KIDDING ME? ARGH!

I'll admit that Dr. Lecter was one of the coolest villains ever, but this horse is d-e-a-d. If you keep beating it the PETA people are going to start screaming louder than the little lambs in Agent Starling's dreams.

I don't have the stomach for another one.

just for today

It fascinates me that the media is able to use its power to get Americans off their lazy asses and doing things. I appreciate that recent news coverage has motivated a staggering number of people to arrange living wills and keep their children sheltered from creepy pop stars, but I wish there was something else going on in the world that could get us all riled up...

It's too damn bad there are no causes out there. Too. Damn. Bad.

ignore this (if you don't have robot ears)

I just discovered my song Evat Noxus is #31 on the experimental charts at That matches the highest I've ever been on the charts - Way of the Roon reached #31 on the House charts late last year.

Lately there has been a huge increase in song plays and downloads. I currently have songs in three categories climbing the charts. If you are listening to the music of 2der Mooby, thanks. Sorry if it made you vomit.

i expand my horizons

BBC News (world edition) reports that the US 'knows little about its foes.'

As if that is even news. This is Administration Policy. What the good (yet British) folks at BBC News fail to realize is that what is important here is the US knows who its foes are. That's all we need to know.

Bombs Away.

Wednesday, March 30, 2005

jail house saga

The good news is that Eyejae is out of jail and the charges have been dropped. The bad news is that her attorney is currently being held on multiple charges, including contempt, practicing without a license, and operating with the first name of Flash. Good luck Mr. Van Shatner. Watch your corn-hole.

Sunday, March 27, 2005

i hate the future

CNN.Com is reporting that soft tissue was found in a T-Rex fossil... Tissue that could allow scientists to study dinosaurs at a cellular level in ways we never thought possible before...

Is it me or does now seem like a really good time to start retro-fitting our bomb shelters to be T-Rex proof?

Saturday, March 26, 2005

more scary stuff

I remembered more things that scare me at work.

Coworkers asking if we had any copies of The Count of Monte "Crisco" while the DVD was on sale for 10 bucks.

During our last back to school season we sold these S-Mart brand glue sticks that came in a two pack. Sadly, many of them never made it to the shelf since the glue that was supposed to hold the packaging together didn't work well... I wonder if they were made with the same glue?

In other news,I am pleased to announce that my dear friend Eyejay is the new president of my fan club. Her first duty as president will be to go kick Yale President Richard Levin's ass.

I used my S-Mart messenger bag last night in a non flaming bag of poop related instance. So far so good.

Friday, March 25, 2005

friday observations

How is it that the only people who actually "cry like a little girl" are men?

* * *

When will people stop referring to a large quantity as a butt-load? My own butt doesn't hold all that much... nothing that would require any heavy lifting. I don't get it.

* * *

How can something be "boring as hell?" Hell is likely many, many things but boring is something I can't imagine it ever being.

* * *

I work with a guy who is a full on "garment gangsta" (my own phrase, thank you). He tries to be gangsta and good Mormon at the same time. Be who you want to be, I am all for that. especially if whatever you are will provide me with hours of side-splitting entertainment... yes I am a bastard. All I want to say dude, is either swear or don't swear. If I hear this guy utter the word sheeeiz one more time I just might be forced to lay the smack down on your candy asp.

it IS my bag, baby!

Mere hours after my last entry mentioned I had not yet recieved my messenger bag from S-Mart, the UPS lady came trudging up my walk with a package just for me. Now I have a hat, bag, and a yo-yo. If I were to wear them all at once along with my work shirt and name badge I may very well be the coolest guy on my block.

Thursday, March 24, 2005

things that scare me

In my time working at S-Mart, the soulless retailer that employs my sorry ass, I've discovered some information that causes me to be very frightened. Here are the few I can mention without losing my job.

I work with people who don't know the difference between college ruled and wide ruled paper and notebooks. If only the difference was made clear on the PACKAGE OR SOMETHING!

My store sells enough Swiss Army Pocket Knives to have armed the entire population of this gun-loving conservative county with tiny stabbing implements more than a dozen times over. I'm not talking about
Utra-Rambo survival knives that so many of my neighbors picked up at their local Wal-Mart... I'm talking about the small efficiant killing machines that will go virtually undetected until you are being stabbed in the ribs by your crazed violent assailent.

On the positive side, while you are dining at any of our fine family
resteraunts you'll never bee too far away from someone who has one of those really sturdy Swiss Army Knife toothpicks. If you don't know what I mean, you haven't eaten at Ruby River lately... or Sizzler ever.

I have a pretty good idea of just how many copies of
Ever After are floating around the valley... this actually scares the crap out of me. I have been told that it is a real "up with woman" movie. That's an accurate assessment as long as you are insane. A little secret folks: Ever After is to girl power what Eminem is to PFLAG.

At S-Mart (and probably everywhere else for that matter) we sell country singer George
Strait's "50 #1 Country Hits" CD. That totally boggles my mind. 50! FIFTY... no friggin way The Beatles had that many number ones. This kind of had me shook up until it occurred to me that Mr. Strait is a COUNTRY SINGER and so it doesn't bother me anymore. Those are number one hits for people who think raccoon caps are cool. I could have had 50 number one hits on the country charts but my mom taught me to flush after using the toilet.

it has been ten days since I ordered my messenger bag as my gift from work. As Michael Palin once said, "STILL no sign of land."

I do not Yahoo. Please stop asking.

Dave Chappelle + Wayne Brady = best. sketch. ever.

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

stand back! i'm going to be sick.

Paul Anderson is going to be remaking the cult classic Deathrace 2000.

"The original was so much about decimating pedestrians that the actual race was almost irrelevant, and I want to restore that. Set in 202, ours in an ultra violent, no-holds-barred race with heavily armed Escalades, Ferraris, and Aston Martins" said Anderson.

He's going to restore what to what? If anything this quote is all the proof anyone needs to understand that Paul Anderson missed the point (and yes that was the sound of your sarcasmatron overloading). Let me type that one more time Paul... "YOU MISSED THE FUCKING POINT!" If you want to remake a movie by changing what is essentially the soul of the film, then for the love of god DO NOT CALL IT A REMAKE! Perhaps Mr. Anderson would like to remake The Godfather without all that arcane mobster bullshit. Who gets that shit anyway? Mr. Anderson, do you think you could perhaps remake Platoon and leave out all the depressing "was is hell" crap? It's such a downer.

It sounds (to me at least) as though this guy really, really, REALLY wanted to make Road Warrior IV but the people holding the rights to that material won't let him near it. And God bless em for it.

In my humble opinion, Mr. Anderson should have been killed slowly and painfully after what he did with the Alien VS Predator movie. I should state that I am not bitching about the pg-13 issue (which is a whole other rant entirely) but that it was in fact a piece of shit. So much a piece of shit that I was concerned about getting some horrible disease for only watching it. Mr Anderson, you are a hack and a studio beeotch. Go fuck yourself.

The obvious truth seems to be that there will never be any truly good remakes of any film since only shitty filmmakers appear to be attracted to the process (I'm looking at you Michael Bay)... and they also apparently make Star Wars prequels. Good filmmakers have... what do you call those things? Oh yes, IDEAS.

Sunday, March 20, 2005

welcome to the information age

I got an e-mail from a friend the other day. The subject suggested pictures but when I opened it, all I found was his sig-line. For those of you who don't know, a "sig" or signature line is a line of text that you set to appear at the end of all your e-mails. I know this, since I have been known to use such a feature from time to time.

This particular sig line contained the name of my friend and a plug for his website (pretty standard really)

Because there was no body to this e-mail, I stared at the screen for a moment before I decided that the pictures were on the website in the signature... I then spent quite a bit of time perusing his site and forums carefully looking for the pictures he had promised in the e-mail. No such luck. I checked back throughout the day since I thought that he had possibly meant to put the pics up bad hadn't actually gotten around to it at the moment he sent me the e-mail...

Shit does after all happen.

Later that day (much later) while I was online searching for something fodder for a new blah-g entry, this friend IM'd me asking how I'd liked the pictures he'd sent.

I was just about to respond : NO I DIDN'T GET YOUR FRIGGIN PICTURES

But at that same moment, it slowly occurred to me that for nearly 24 hours, I had failed to even consider that there was an attachment to the email... despite the little icon in the inbox indicating that this was indeed the case.

Long story short (too late), if there is something you do not want me to see (ie nude pics of the Triumph the Insult Dog) simply send them to me attached in an e-mail. I'll never figure it out.

This blog has been rated BLOG-TSFE (Too Stupid for E-mail) by the BPAA.

Friday, March 18, 2005

i read the news... why?

I guess it's true (the title of this entry, I mean) as long as you consider the entertainment section "the NEWS."

George Lucas reported to CNN.COM that episode three will be a "tear jerker." That tells me it's going to be more of the same considering episodes 1 and 2 sure as hell made me cry like a little girl.

* * *

People--did I say people? Journalists who use puns in their headlines should be shot. I read in USA today this dandy for Ring 2 - "Sequel has familiar Ring."

My sides are splitting here. If that is some kind of attempt to be clever please stop right there. If I want cute and clever, I'll watch Spongebob Squarepants. I don't want it in my news and especially not in my headlines (since... that's all I really read anyway). My concern is that more thought went into that pun than the actual review.

* * *

Since I'm blah-ing here anyway, I should mention that if you have a website that plays some rinky-dink midi over and over for the eternal listening pleasure of anyone who wishes to peruse your site... I hate you. Everyone who has to hear that crap does too.

* * *

I was recently e-mailed several links to blogs of people who use their space as classified adds for selling things like kitchen tables and picture frame. The sender wanted to know if this is the sort of thing I meant in an earlier entry regarding a blog that would bore everyone (ie my blog rating system). My answer is of course NO. There are plenty of bloggers who's lives aren't nearly that exciting.

Monday, March 14, 2005

thanks for not shoving it up my ass first

Yesterday I got a certificate for a gift commemorating my three year anniversary for the soulless retailer that employs my sorry ass (also known as S-Mart). I get to go online and make a choice between four wonderful "gifts." All I have to do is enter my code and wait three to six weeks... well, probably not quite that long.

Not that my expectations are really that high, but I didn't think I'd have these four choices. The first one is a pen. Wow. Next is a writing set. That's in case I wasn't impressed with just a pen. Or there is a key chain. That's right, you read that correctly. If it had a laser this might tempt me. Not a laser pointer, a LASER. You know, something I can use to melt the eyeballs of my nemeses. Last but not lease, a messenger bag.

I get that this is my employer offering me a small token of appreciation for not personally contributing to the more than 100% turnover rate, but this stuff doesn't sit right with me. What do I do with a pen or pen set? Use it to fill out my resignation? Use it to fill out job applications for future employers? What exactly?

The messenger bag does have multiple uses, including being a carryall for the hundreds of copies of my resume I'll be distributing in the near future. It could also be used to carry soon to be flaming bags of poop. Or I could be practical and get a job as a messenger. Not a bike messenger since I don't have a bike... I wonder what anniversary they give out bikes as a gift... I'm thinking five hundred and fifty-six.

As for the key chain... at least its not a fruit cake. Not like they'd give me anything that could be thrown through a window.

When I was employee of the month, I had many more choices, perhaps 15 or 20 in all. I went for the gold there. I got a hat and two yo-yos, all the S-Mart logo prominently displayed. I got the hat because it was the least cool thing I saw, plus when I showed it to my best friend he said "I'd never wear it."

In the interest of being a good sport, I will accept my messenger bag and never speak ill of it. I will however offer up these suggestions as possible gifts for future three year anniversary victims.

A CD of your choice. Not just any CD, one of those relaxation CD's we sell on the end cap in office and stationary. Employees could listen to it as they travel to and from work. It would be a massive help.

A DVD of your choice. Not a new release but one of those bargain DVD's. Well... not even the bargain DVD's, but the Bargain BARGAIN DVD's. The ones that are priced at $5.99 yet somehow still collect dust on our shelves. There may be a naysayer or two that will suggest we couldn't give copies of Crossroads (starring Brittany Spears) away but we certainly won't know until we've at least tried.

Key chain with actual Laser. (See above)

Option to punch employee of you choice in the face or stomach. I'm not talking about assaulting a boss or anything. I'm talking about an equal, someone on your level that really pisses you off. Maybe they are annoying, or stupid, or a kiss ass, or have bilked workers comp, or maybe they simply make you look bad and they've got it coming. Subsequently, I think if you stick around for a fourth year you should be able to kick or punch that same person in the nuts. Five years you can use brass knuckles. This is retail after all.

But those are only suggestions...

Thursday, March 10, 2005

random crap

Nothing new or interesting today, just some random thoughts...

-After some deep reflection on the subject of Bud Extra I've decided that it may very well be the dumbest idea since Gary Glitter Day Care. And I joke about beating a dead horse! People have been adding booze to their caffeine for ages and they've been doing it way better. If it's not Rum and Coke then it's that old classic "Irish Coffee." If you really need an energy drink with your alcohol, why bother with beer? Be a man and dump some vodka or whiskey in there. Even the sissy drinkers get more than 6.6% alcohol with their sissy schnapps for gods sake! So thanks Budweiser for absolutely nothing (I happen to make a killer vanilla schnapps and Red Bull... Call me!).

-Can you believe MichealMedvedSucks.Com is not a registered domain? That really pisses me off. I'm not sure which of you assholes is responsible for this but I will find you. HEAR THAT?!

-A woman at work said I should be a comedian. I think she should be a career councilor.

-Since when did CNN.COM have a 24 hour basic cable channel? There's no way that's going to last. Who could possibly fill all that time with news? Fox ans MSNBC sure as hell can't.

-Who do you think makes more money with Internet pay sites? Porn or Jesus? Personally I'd put my money on porn, but I hear this Jesus guy might be due for a comeback.

-I don't wear facial hair so I'll look older... It's to cover the acne.

-I saw a commercial for The Notebook hailed as the best love story ever... by Larry King. Are you freaking kidding me?! This is the guy who said you haven't lived until you've seen Jungle2Jungle...

-Speaking of movies, Michael Bay is currently planning a remake of The Hitcher. He's also responsible for producing that blasphemous remake of The Texas Chainsaw Massacre. I think if he's really interested in remakes he should leave the classics alone and try improving some really shitty movies... you know, like the ones he made.

-Still in the movies, I should tell you back in the day I arrived at John Wayne International Airport while they were filming Jerry Maguire. It was the scene where the kid was standing on the baggage retrieval giving hi-fives as it went around. I discovered something that day I wish I didn't know. Tom Cruise, box-office powerhouse that he is, is barely taller than I am and in all truth I could probably kick his ass. So When I see him kicking ass in a movie I chortle. Movie magic, as it relates to Mr. Cruise, is dead for me. Oh yeah, and Vanilla Sky was just way too long and pretentious. To be fair, that is something I need to take up with Cameron Crowe another time.

notes - I just noticed--to my horror--that I said some of the money Sly Stallone owes me is from my ticket to see Rocky V. For the record I want to emphatically state that I have never seen that movie. I did pay to see Rocky IV, but I was a child and was bound to make mistakes. I've paid for mine Mr. Stallone... it's time you paid for yours.

Mr. Blunderson will accept compensation via money order, paypal, or even American Express. No checks please.

Wednesday, March 9, 2005

flogging another dead horse

I was going to start a regular feature where I reviewed stupid shows and said mean things about them. I was planning to start with E!'a new "hit" show The Gastineau Girls but after a little bit of online research revealed I would rather have the drive shaft of a Chevy Impala jammed straight up my ass, I went looking for a new topic.

So here it is, my long anticipated review of the new beer on the block, Budweiser's B to thee E (beer with caffeine). It should be noted that I am probably the ten meellionth blogger to do this.

We had a few friends over Saturday for dinner. My brother had brought the Bud Extra as my wife had expressed some interest in it. Before we sat down, the five of us stood in our kitchen doorway sampling said offering. Some of the comments included:

"That's a beer I can drink."

"Not Bad."

"Tastes like energy drink, not beer"

"Whose hand is in my pants?"

After dinner and some cheap Merlot (take that you Sideways snobs!) I finished off what was left of that first B to da E and then had another one.

As far as taste was concerned, I found it not completely horrible. Besides Red Bull, which I rarely consume, I have only tasted one energy drink. It was called "Whoop-Ass" (get it? open a can of...) and bud extra tasted much like that.

As for the combination of beer and caffeine, it totally killed my wine buzz which gives me absolutely no desire to ever drink that beer again. But I did have another tonight for the hell of it... I mean, in the interest of science.

Tonight I could taste the beer much better than the first time. But it tasted like Budweiser mixed with that grainy Flintstones vitamin taste you get with any energy drink. anther problem is that it comes in 10 ounce cans. What the hell?!

On the positive sides of things, Budweiser does provide a website ( for their new product that will keep you in front of your computer for hours... as long as you are stoned.

Poking around on the net I found all the jokes and comments you might expect with the anticipation of a caffeinated beer. I believe I counted nearly 11 million (that might be just a tad high) separate instances of people sarcastically praising the combination of a depressant and an upper.

One guy celebrated the fact that he now had an excuse to drink beer in the morning. as if you need an excuse, buddy.

Elsewhere I read that it packs 6.6% alcohol by volume. I'm guessing what I had didn't since what I drank was purchased in Springville, Utah. I could buy more, but I won't since I can get six 12 ounce Captain Bastards for a buck and change more than the cost of four tiny Bud Extras.

But it was on a beer drinkers forum (aren't most bb's such?) that Bud Extra received it's ultimate positive review from a poster who said "it didn't make me vomit.

That pretty much sums it up for me.


Next week Mr. Blunderson will review the Bud Extra website.

Monday, March 7, 2005

my oh my

Today was a big day for me. It was Martha Stewart day.

I've recently been avoiding TV news because of this strange notion I had that Ms. Stewart would be so hot after being in prison. Don't get me wrong, this is not an idea that exactly appealed to me.

I finally bit the bullet and risked seeing her on TV. She was standing outside of her greenhouse holding lemons which were the thing she apparently missed most in the big house (yeah, right... snicker, snicker). This was followed by a segment concerning her triumphant return, highlighted by a speech to her employees promoting family values. I've seen enough women in prison movies to understand why she might feel that way... I've seen enough women in prison movies... never mind.

As for that kooky notion... the good news is I couldn't have been more wrong.

* * *
AOL News reported an "explosive day in Jackson trial." To this I say "AOL News, don't EVEN tease me like that! It's not nice. Talk about getting my hopes up.

* * *
My theory that America is getting dumber received even more credibility this weekend when The Pacifier was the top draw at the box office pulling in more than 30 meellion dollars. Is it me or should people who pay money to see this kind of movie be forced to see The Euthanizer? In a truly just society, these sad fools would face a punishment that would be a true deterrent... like being forced to read my lame-ass blog.

oh crap!

(Reuters) Children who drink more milk do not necessarily develop healthier bones, researchers said on Monday in a report that stresses exercise and modest consumption of calcium-rich foods such as tofu, oats, broccoli & juice.

What? Milk doesn't do a body good? I'd make a bunch of jokes about this but I'm going to wait five or ten years for this article to come out:

(Reuters) Children who eat more tofu do not necessarily develop healthier bones, researchers said on Monday in a report that stresses exercise and modest consumption of calcium-rich foods such as bacon.

i get mail

Got this in the old mail box today:

… you wish to display an acerbic wit—something that you will obtain only when you have it surgically attached… the juvenile content of your blog is eclipsed only by your MS Word corrected spelling and grammar. Perhaps you should heed your own advice and rate your page BLOG – NTH (No Talent Hack)…

I’d like to thank Yale President Richard Levin for taking time away from MTV’s Viva La BAM marathon to respond to my blog.

Sunday, March 6, 2005

sad, sad news

Sylvester Stallone told TV Guide that he hopes to start shooting another Rambo film in September.

That's great, you know, cause Rambo III left us all wanting for more in the very worst of ways.

In the same interview, Sly said: ... definitely the movie career has changed. And I thought, "Let me get past the prejudice of TV."

I have no joke for that... I actually have several but its just too damn easy.

Mr. Stallone still owes me 20 bucks. That includes my boyhood ticket to Rocky V and rental fee's for Rambo III, and Over the Top (I rented that one twice... don't ask). I ask nothing for the 7 minutes of Daylight I accidentally saw on TNT as there is simply no compensation for those scars. None whatsoever.

Friday, March 4, 2005

chilling news from doctor zaius reports today that "chimps have critically injured a sanctuary visitor."

So it begins...

today is my monday

First day back at work after three days off. Work SUCKS!

Yesterday I changed the theme of my blog to "Central Park." Isn't it lovely? ANSWER ME DAMMIT!

I didn't wear pants all day, except at work where its required. (freakin squares)

I recently added a link to Pat's website. I would have linked right to his blog, but then you would miss the best picture in the world.

You may have noticed the link to 2Der Mooby's music page as well. You should know that those are not really my best tunes.

I am wearing pants as I type this.

Some serius business I need to address. I've been avoiding it but I mght as well get to it. I got a little out of hand on the blog rating system and I worry there may have been some hurt feelings regarding the LOTR nit-pickers. To refresh you memory...

BLOG - DWHD3GHDFECILOTRM (dork who has dedicated 3 gig of hard drive for entries concerning inaccuracies in the Lord of the Rings Movies). Truth is, this was an unnecessary stab at a real person with real feelings.

Besides, we already know that anyone requiring that particular rating for their blog will already be covered by the whole BLOG - NBL (never been laid) category.

Wednesday, March 2, 2005

hot off the press

I saw a headline on that says: Divorce bid cites 'smelly husband'

I am so screwed.

Tuesday, March 1, 2005

this just in!

CNN.COM is reporting that the trailer for Star Wars Episode III will premiere during and episode of The O.C. Those guys certainly have nailed their demographic, seeing how the only people stupid enough to get burned by George Lucas one more time are people who watch that show. I know the show is one of the highest rated on the FOX network so that goes a long way toward proving my theory that Americans (and quite possibly humans in general) are getting stupider by the day.

As for me, I am done giving George Lucas my money... as if he even needs it.

blog rating system

Now that I have my own blog, I find it not only interesting but even a bit of fun to dig around the net to see what other people are doing on their blogs. In doing this I have found that it might be useful for those who blog to come to a consensus for a universal rating system that might provide the interested Internet public with a little warning before they are suddenly up to their eye-balls in something they don’t want to read.

Here are a just a few of my own suggestions based upon what I have seen so far.

BLOG – E (everyone) would be for a blog that will bore everybody. This would be the most widely used of my suggested ratings.

BLOG – GH (girl-hater) would be attached to the guy who started his blog right after his girlfriend dumped him. This would allow anyone who has no use for a girl-hating diatribe to move on to something more interesting… like midget porn.

BLOG – MH (man-hater) see above.

BLOG – HR&S (hates Ren & Stimpy) You bloated sacks of PROTOPLASM!

BLOG – NBL (never been laid) would be for blogs written by people who have never been laid.

BLOG – DWHD3GHDFECILOTRM (dork who has dedicated 3 gig of hard drive for entries concerning inaccuracies in the Lord of the Rings movies) is fairly self explanatory. This rating would also exist at an 18 and 47 Gig category.

BLOG - DC (Dawson's Creek) is for people who think their lives are more interesting than re-runs on the WB.

BLOG – J (The Jeffersons) see above.

BLOG – X-FILES (X-Files) is for people who think the X-Files are real.

BLOG – ILB (I love Bush) is for right wing nut jobs that make Bill O’Reilly look like a buddy of Michael Moore’s.

BLOG – FBF (Fat Bastard Fan) is still undecided. Its either going to be for people who love that particular villain of the Austin Powers movies or for people who read my blog… time will tell.

BLOG – PP (pretentious poetry) is perhaps one of the most frightening warnings I could issue. These “poets” (and I use the term loosely) who defend any criticism of their work with the words “you don’t understand,” or “you’re not smart enough.” Blogs needing this warning can be identified by the rampant use of the word “oblivion” in said poems.

As I said these are simply suggestions, only a vote of a 2/3 majority by the Grand High Imperial Blog Council will ever ratify these changes, so please contact your local blogger to vote yes on bill 762-A47. I’d vote but they kicked me out for making fun of their blogs.

This blog was rated BLOG – THF (thinks he’s funny)

Please check out the blog of my good friend Pat Van Wagner at His blog is rated BLOG – MF… because he’s a Mets Fan.

The word “blog” or an incarnation thereof appears 30 times in this entry, yet I only resorted to using ellipsis three times… I mean, four times.