Thursday, August 3, 2006

you know I live in a small town when...

Today I popped in the grocery store by my house for a few things for dinner. I totally blew the guys mind when I asked for hummus. He stood there looking at me as though he couldn't decide whether I was making something up as if to fuck with him or if it was okay for him to admit he had no idea what I was talking about.
"I have no idea what that is," he finally told me before asking me what the hell hummus was.
I explained to him what it was, but that didn't really seem to help. The guy got this vacant look in his eyes and said "I have... no... idea what that is."
I should cut the guy some slack. This is Springville, Utah after all. He could probably go another 35-40 years without getting that question again.

update - a Google search for "hummus" results in about 5,730,000 pages. I only looked at one in my deep research for this blog entry, and that was a wikipedia entry. One thing I often do after I search for anything online is do another search for that thing (in this case hummus, obviously) and George Bush. Always good for a laugh (well... usually) but today I found this site which seems to indicate that although he sucks as a president, Mr. Bush tastes great on a cracker... or a pita as the case may be.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm glad to hear the president turned out to be good for *something* after all. I was beginning to wonder.