Wednesday, October 17, 2007

world gone mad

What the world is coming to?

I was watching Ebert & Roeper today and noticed they no longer do anything relating to the thumbs anymore. I couldn't believe it. They either like a movie or didn't, recommend it or not. Disney, who produces the show (and as a corporate behemoth epitomizes evil) says it was Roger Ebert who pulled the plug due to his lack of involvement with the show and Ebert says it was Disney who eliminated the most recognizable and iconic symbol in film criticism.

I thumb my nose at all of you.

In other news, I think it's funny that the new Bionic Woman might be the most misogynistic show on television today. Actually, it's really not funny at all but sad how out of touch people can be to make a show about a woman made super special against her will and then forced to work for the people that fixed her. Of course the earlier version of the bionic woman (who is now a rogue enemy) is "crazy" because she didn't cooperate.

But that's not what pisses me off about the show. They took out that cool sound effect from the original. You know the shook-shook-shook sound she made when she was running? Not here at all. That's stupid. What is the point of remaking something if you're going to leave out the best parts? It would be like making a modern day A-Team and casting Wayne Brady as the Mr. T character.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's okay. The misogyny is counter balanced by all the commercials that show white men are stupid and clueless.

I would have bought the misogyny issue if the girls weren't ugly and it wasn't an obvious attempt at Gilmore Girls with bionics.

You know, Gilmore Girls, that mind numbing show that woman have supported through dvd sales and ratings, giving Hollywood a false impression what woman want to watch. Or is it?

I tried to watch B.W. for 5 minutes until me, my wife, and son could'nt stomach it any longer.

For me the deal breaker was when the FEMALE Starbuck showed up. You know, the girl from that show that was based on a BETTER tv series from the 70's. But they decided to re-do, with woman in control and men as mindless war-mongers.

But I guess that is okay...riiiiight?

Sorry. I have no interest in riding the PC fence.