Friday, May 19, 2006

stop me before I hurt myself

I've been tracking The Da Vinci Code's rating on

If you are unfamiliar with how the website works, it tallies reviews from papers and on-line sources to come up with a composite score to tell people (who like to be told what to think ) how good or bad a small fraction of the population think a movie is. The more favorable reviews a film recieves, the higher the percentage.

For example, The Green Mile recieved a score of 80%. Another Tom Hanks film Castaway recieved and 87%. According to the system those are a couple of good movies.

Right now, The Da Vinci Code rates a 19%. You can take that or leave it. But I do worry over the state of the world when a movie starring Tom Hanks and directed by Ron Howard rates lower than RV (24%).

Another feature this website provides is the "You Might Also Like" section. Here they list films that generally feature the same leading actor as the one being spotlighted. Since the list in this case is obviously a bunch of Tom Hanks movies, I find it amusing that the website suggests that "if you liked The Da Vinci Code, The Road to Perdition might also interest you."

From what I gather, there are people (Opus Dei, etc.) out there who would agree.

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